Income-qualified bill discount program.

The NW Natural bill discount program can save you money every month on your gas bill. Depending on whether you live in Oregon or Washington and your income level, you may be eligible for bill discounts of 15% to 80%.

There is one application to fill out. No proof of income is required to apply. And the application takes only minutes to complete online, by email or traditional mail, or over the phone. See below for qualifications and to apply.

Oregon discounts

Get 15% to 40% off your monthly gas bills

If you live in Oregon, the NW Natural bill discount program can save you 15% to 40% on your monthly gas bills. Discounts are available if your household income is less than 60% of Oregon state median income.


Household Income
(family of four)


 $16,070 or less 40%
$16,071 - $32,141 25%

$32,142 - $48,211


$48,212 - $64,282


Bill discounts are available if your household income is less than 60% of Oregon state median income.

Household Size

Annual Income

Monthly Income 

 1  $33,426 $2,786
 2  $43,711 $3,643
 3  $53,997 $4,500
 4  $64,282 $5,357
 5  $74,567 $6,214
 6  $84,852 $7,071
 7  $86,780 $7,232
 8  $88,709  $7,392
 9  $90,637  $7,553
 10  $92,566  $7,714
 11  $94,494  $7,874
 12  $96,422  $8,035
Each additional family member  $1,928  $161
Washington discounts

Get 15% to 80% off your monthly gas bills

If you live in Washington, the NW Natural bill discount program can save you 15% to 80% on your monthly gas bills, effective January 1, 2024. Discounts are available if your household income is at or below 80% of area median income or federal poverty level.

Household Income
(family of four)


 Less than $18,000 80%
$15,033 - $36,000 40%

$36,001 - $45,000


$45,001 - $90,200


Discounts are available if your household income is at or below 80% of area median income or federal poverty level. 


Household Size

Annual Income

Monthly Income

1 $63,150 $5,263
2 $72,200 $6,107
3 $81,200 $6,767
4 $90,200 $7,517
5 $97,450 $8,721
6 $104,650 $9,321
7 $111,850 $9,925
8 $119,100 $10,525
9 $126,300 $11,125
10 $133,500 $11,729
11 $140,750 $12,329
12 $147,950 $12,329
Each additional family member $7,250 $604


Calculate your household income

How to calculate your household income

For hourly workers, take your hourly wage and multiply that by the average hours worked weekly. Then multiply that number by 52 (weeks per year) to get your annual gross income (before taxes).
  • $13.50 (hourly rate) x 40 (average hours worked per week) = $540
  • $540 x 52 (weeks per year) = $28,080 (This is your annual gross income)
Tip: If your household income changes from month to month, take your combined income from the last month and multiply it by 12 to calculate your average gross annual household income. Please call us at 800-422-4012 if you have questions or need help applying.

Frequently asked questions

Community outreach

Are you associated with a community organization and interested in increasing awareness of our assistance programs? Please email us with the following information:
  1. Organization name
  2. Contact name
  3. Phone
  4. Organization website 

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