Getting involved in Oregon climate discussions.

Today’s energy landscape has become increasingly complex and there are critical decisions on the horizon – including some that impact Oregon customers of NW Natural. 
At NW Natural, we believe a collaborative effort will lead to the most promising energy future. Our key principles are:
  • All forms of renewable energy are needed in a balanced, low-carbon future. NW Natural is committed to renewable natural gas – gases captured from organic waste streams – clean hydrogen and our vision of a carbon-neutral pipeline by 2050. We are exceeding our 2035 carbon savings goal that starts us down the path toward this vision.
  • Families and businesses should have a choice of energy options to meet their needs. This is not a decision that should be mandated.
  • Communities with natural gas have greater energy reliability. We need a dual energy system – gas and electric– to prepare for what we know is a future of more extreme weather events. Homes and businesses with gas service can have energy even when the power is out.
  • Affordability and leveraging our existing modern system is our priority. We will seek options that ensure a renewable energy future without undermining long-term affordability, dependability and choice.
We encourage you to share your thoughts on these issues so that we can continue to improve our programs and services to meet your needs. Working together, we know the right balance can be achieved.

Stay informed.

Tell us how you want to engage. Take a short survey so your ideas are included in public policy decisions.
Destination Zero Graphic
A NW Natural le gustaría conocer su opinión sobre el cambio climático. Si le interesa saber más sobre lo que estamos haciendo y cómo puede darnos su opinión, envíenos su información de contacto y su idioma preferido a nwnatural. com/register-translation.
NW Natural đánh giá cao việc lắng nghe ý kiến từ quý vị về biến đổi khí hậu. Nếu quý vị quan tâm tới việc tìm hiểu thêm về những gì chúng tôi đang thực hiện và cách thức gửi phản hồi cho chúng tôi, vui lòng gửi cho chúng tôi thông tin liên lạc của quý vị và ngôn ngữ yêu thích của quý vị tại địa chỉ
NW Natural 希望听到您关于气候变化的信息。如果您有兴趣了解有关我们正在做什么以及如何向我们提供反馈的更多信息,请通过 将您的联系信息和首选语言发送给我们。
NW Natural хотели бы узнать ваше мнение по поводу изменения климата. Если вы хотите узнать больше о том, что мы делаем и как связаться с нами, отправьте нам свою контактную информацию и предпочитаемый язык на странице

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Learn about Less We Can.

Let's work together to make a low-carbon, renewable energy future a reality.

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