NW Natural Meter Update Project.
We are updating some residential gas meters in Oregon and Southwest Washington. You may notice more NW Natural contractor vehicles and crews in your community.
Not all meters will be updated. If your meter will be updated, you will receive a letter with additional details by mail or email before work begins.
Your gas service should not be affected.
Actualizaciones de medidores: mantenimiento planificado de medidores
Cập nhật đồng hồ đo: Bảo trì đồng hồ đo theo kế hoạch
Обновление счетчиков. Плановое обслуживание счетчиков
Meter updates
Planned meter maintenance
We work to bring the latest meter technology to homes in Oregon and Southwest Washington by updating part or all of your gas meter.
Not all meters will be updated. If your meter will be updated, you will receive a letter with additional details by mail or email before work begins.
We determine whether meters need updating based on installation records.
What to expect
Your gas service should not be affected during meter updates.
When we update meters in your area, you may notice more NW Natural contractor vehicles and crews. You may also see crews checking updated meters for quality assurance.
After the meter has been updated, we will clean our workspace. If, after the meter update, your natural gas service is impacted or your gas equipment is not working properly, please call us 800-422-4012.
Meter access
How to make the meter accessible
NW Natural contractors will need clear, unobstructed access to your meter.
How to prepare for the meter update
- Please check the area around your meter to make sure we can walk to and work around the meter, at least 3 feet. This could include pruning or removing foliage, moving objects away from your meter, or unlocking gates.
- If we cannot reach your meter, we will leave a notice with the number to call and schedule time to access the meter.
When and where we'll be
You may notice more NW Natural contractor vehicles and crews in the following areas, during the following times. The schedule is subject to change.
Where | When |
Areas of Clark and Washington counties, as well as Vancouver. | January 2025 through March 2025. The schedule is subject to change. |
March 2025, Clark and Washington counties

March 2025, Albany

Frequently asked questions
Why is NW Natural updating meters?
Why did my neighbor receive a meter update, and I did not?
Who pays for gas meter updates?
How will I know if the person updating my meter is from NW Natural?
I don’t know what my meter looks like, or where it is on my property. How can I make sure it is accessible?
If my meter is selected for updating, can I opt out?