Add savings, resiliency, efficiency and convenience to your business.

We’re your reliable partner from start to finish when your construction project requires installation of natural gas. Our exclusive services help you maintain operational efficiency throughout, and keep track of your energy usage after.

Here's everything you need to get started. When you're ready, call us at
800-927-6123 ext. 2360.

How to add natural gas to your business

How to get started

Check for natural gas availability.

Check for gas availability online here,  email or call the Commercial Support Team at 503-220-2363.

Submit a commercial gas service application.

A Commercial Energy Consultant will work with you to determine the gas meter location, validate your gas equipment, and help with scheduling the installation.

You'll need to submit a commercial gas service application, a business credit application, and a site plan for your business.

Note: NW Natural requires 2 PSIG for all new commercial properties.

Required applications

Please complete and submit both applications at the same time.

Business credit application
Tell us your business type and bank information. Download
Commercial gas service application 
Tell us about your site plans and anticipated equipment. Download


After your order is complete

Permits and utility locates

NW Natural sends someone to paint marks on or near your property that locate your water, phone, sewer and electrical lines and the gas main in the street. The proposed route for the new gas service line to your business will be painted in white.

Service line installation

Our crew installs the service line from the street to your business. We'll restore your landscaping if we have to dig.

Gas equipment installation

Your contractor installs your natural gas equipment and connects the equipment to the meter.

The inspection process

Your contractor is required to obtain a permit from your local jurisdiction that includes an air pressure test of your line. If it passes this test, an inspector will attach a "green tag."

Activate your gas service

Once at least one piece of gas equipment is installed, contact us. We'll need access to the equipment and your thermostat.

Note: 2-psig gas delivery is required for all commercial services.

Your NW Natural team

Get help with every aspect of your project, from new gas-technology information and proper meter placement to joint-trenching coordination and compliance with Energy Trust of Oregon. Please call one of the contacts listed below, or call our Commercial Support Team at 503-220-2363.

Portland Metro area development and construction 

Ed Aguon
New construction; Portland Metro & Willamette Valley

Jeremy Aldridge
Existing/Conversion; Portland Metro & Willamette Valley

Channel development

DG Graham
Multifamily Highrise/Condo/Townhome

District channel managers

Kelsey Balensifer

Coos Bay
Tracy Pierce

Lincoln City
Cindi Fostveit

The Dalles
Tonya Brumley

Technical and engineering consultation for residential and commercial projects

Kevin Duell
Sales Engineer


Benefits of our services and technologies

NW Natural's installation process relies on services and technologies that deliver valuable results every business can appreciate---lower operating costs and improved profitability.

Energy consumption measurement

  • Keep track of energy consumption on a monthly, daily or hourly basis.
  • Easily measure a range of time intervals, even smaller ones.
  • Apply to your primary custody transfer meter or to the in-plant meters we provide.

Meter rental

  • We'll provide diaphragm and rotary meters for use in your facility.
  • Meters are supplied for a monthly charge and one time set-up charge. You're responsible for the meter installation and maintenance.
  • With your rental, you can measure gas use of specific or new gas equipment (like a large boiler)

Advanced metering services

  • Includes a pulse output so you can easily monitor your meter on demand. 

Get more details

Learn about charges for special metering equipment, rental meters and metering services for tariff Schedule 15 in Oregon and Schedule 10 in Washington.

Discover More

Natural gas safety tips.

This comprehensive guide to natural gas safety at your business covers meters, appliances, carbon monoxide and more.

Learn more
Business is better with natural gas.

Stay competitive with the right solution for your company's size and energy needs.

Learn more
Meet the Major Accounts Team.

Get expert advice on billing and rate services, technical solutions and incentives that help you save.

Learn more
Can I get gas?

Check on gas availability for your conversion or new construction project.

Find a contractor

Use our tool to find a NW Natural preferred contractor.

Register your account online.

View and pay bills, see gas use, and compare use over time.